Emmeline 4 Re Boutique, 2005 Photographer James Frew

Emmeline 4 Re Boutique, 2005 Photographer James Frew

Emmeline developed the upcycled label Emmeline 4 Re back in 2003, selling her collections in TOPSHOP and independent retailers across the UK and Europe. She went on to establish a sustainable boutique in London. With almost 20 years of experience in sustainability in fashion and textiles, Emmeline has become a pioneer in sustainable issues around upcycling.

Emmeline's specialism led her to delve into some of the topics she became passionate about. Currently a PhD Candidate at Chelsea School of Art, feeding into the research hub, The Centre of Circular Design at UAL. Emmeline’s research covers topics of design for remanufacture for greater circularity in the fashion industry.

Emmeline has taught in the UK, India, and Sri Lanka in the areas of sustainability, fashion, and design. She externals across Fashion and Fashion Marketing programmes, and presents on sustainable topics internationally.